Friday, April 19, 2013

you get what you paid for..

Never has this saying been true!  A few months ago, I went to Las Vegas with my husband. Now, what says Vegas better then a t-shirt with glitter on it. Not tacky..just sparkly. The step for a hint, that I purchased a cheapie shirt, should have been when I unpacked it and saw my clothes covered in glitter.  Oh what the's vegas baby! So what if a few more items of clothes have a bit of sparkle on them. Who cares.  Who cares? Well, I do now.  I washed it recently and you guessed it, everyone's clothes are now covered in glitter. We are not in vegas and my son has recently complained to me that his military t-shirts are covered in Glitter.  It's hard to look tough and intimidating when you sparkle in the sunshine. Oops. My husband's uniform for work has pretty, gold glitter on it as well. I know in time it will eventually work it's way out of our house..that is, until I wash the t-shirt again!
   Just thought I would share that bit of laundry fun!

1 comment:

  1. Nice subtle way of getting the family to notice you and all that you do... love the laundry, eh?!! ;)
