Friday, April 19, 2013

you get what you paid for..

Never has this saying been true!  A few months ago, I went to Las Vegas with my husband. Now, what says Vegas better then a t-shirt with glitter on it. Not tacky..just sparkly. The step for a hint, that I purchased a cheapie shirt, should have been when I unpacked it and saw my clothes covered in glitter.  Oh what the's vegas baby! So what if a few more items of clothes have a bit of sparkle on them. Who cares.  Who cares? Well, I do now.  I washed it recently and you guessed it, everyone's clothes are now covered in glitter. We are not in vegas and my son has recently complained to me that his military t-shirts are covered in Glitter.  It's hard to look tough and intimidating when you sparkle in the sunshine. Oops. My husband's uniform for work has pretty, gold glitter on it as well. I know in time it will eventually work it's way out of our house..that is, until I wash the t-shirt again!
   Just thought I would share that bit of laundry fun!

Friday, April 12, 2013


 Here is my dog, Emma!  She is a silver labrador!  Not sure why her left eye (her left, not ours) is so wonky..probably she is squinting in the sunshine.  She is 8 years old and spoiled rotten..nothing wrong with that!  When we got her, she was 10 months old and scared of anything or everything that moved. Poor girl.  We had to train her to walk on a leash, play and even go do her outside business.  Many cold winter days, we stood at the doorway saying, over and over.."go pee!" in fact, we can still be heard saying that. But, she has come a long way.  She loves going for rides in the van, loves walks and mostly, loves playing tug of war with a tennis ball.
Just thought I would share her with you. Now that I have figured out how to put photos on this blog, I just might add some more.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

keeping fit...

Been ages since I have written in this blog. I believe I said that last time. Can I use the excuse that I am busy trying to keep busy?  Works for me. I don't have a job outside the home, so I try to think of various things to keep me out of trouble...ok, off the computer playing games!  I have joined a gym that keeps me going 5 - 6 days a week.
  Did I tell you about the first time I went to this gym years ago?  I was being shown all the equipment and how to use them. One machine works the inner thighs. You have to sit and put your legs in these leg holder things...oooh such terminology there. Anyway, you spread your legs apart and have to use your muscles to bring them together again. Quite the workout. While on the way home from this work out, a thought came to me. Not, how proud of myself I was for actually getting off my ever expanding butt and going there...nope, the thought that came to me was "oh my god, am I wearing the yoga pants that have a hole in the crotch?"  There is no better way to check other then, well checking. Yup!! These were the ones. So everyone saw my granny panties while I worked out. Thankfully, it is a women only gym!! THAT was years ago, and I am happy to report I have rejoined this gym complete with new yoga pants.  I do enjoy going especially now that they have a "smart" card. You plunk this chip into the machine and it will measure the effort you put in. Complete with calories burned and it also shows you if your are improving your efforts day to day.
  So far, I have lost 15lbs and about 12 inches over all. Some areas could use some more shrinking for sure, but baby steps. Another activity that keeps me from playing computer games all day (seriously, my house is clean..I don't just play computer games..honest), is take my dog for a walk along the canal we live near. (ugh..bad grammar there). This is her favourite past time besides chasing plastic bags and eating used tissue! I take my ipod to sing along with as well. I live out in the country..who is going to hear me as I sing along?   Oh that reminds me of a story that happened to me this weekend.  I was walking along a country road on Sunday. Quiet area.  I had my ipod in and suddenly it felt like my yoga pants were slipping down. I walked a few more steps and sure enough, they were heading south!  I unzipped my jacket, ipod fell to the ground, bent down to pick that up and then hiked up my pants. There right behind me was a jeep driving past quite slowly. Oh come one...there was no one for at least 1/2 hour and suddenly when I am losing my pants some jeep full of farmer men drives past. That is my life for sure. As I headed back from my walk, the same jeep drove past me again. I seriously need to rethink my wardrobe when walking or going to work out. OR..and here's a wacky idea, why not wear pants that fit!!  Tomorrow I will be going shopping!!