Saturday, June 30, 2012

gardening for dummies

You know what is sad?  I will tell you. I just went out to the garden to fetch some salad. That isn't the sad part believe me. The oh so pathetic bit is me standing there looking at a row of plants wondering if it is actually for us to eat! Why aren't there labels at the end of each row. I know what the typical salad leaves look like and I know he planted some funky purple/red coloured ones, but man, this one that is growing rather tall, has be stumped.  I did what anyone that is lacking the garden gene, would do. I picked some leaves and smelled them! Hmmm doesn't smell like lettuce. Honestly, why wasn't I really paying attention when he brought me out to the garden a few weeks ago, to impress me with what he planted! Serves me right. Ok, so I did the next best thing..ask the kids. They might have been listening to him. My daughter said she didn't know. My son said "looks like weed". NOT THE SMOKING KIND!!  Well, I already know what that kind looks like. From picture books, of course that other people had. Phew.. Moving back to my garden.  I decided to pick some anyway and wave the white flag and text my husband to ask what it is. I have kept it away from the other salad just incase it is a week of some sort.
  I admire people that love gardening. They say it is so relaxing to weed  I would love to be in that mind set and even had a friend send me a book "gardening for dummies"..side note..I wonder if that book might have a photo of my tall "salad". Hmm, might have to go look for it sometime. Anyway, (sorry I tend to get side tracked with my thoughts, but I do manage to come back around.)  Personally, I just can't get into it. I get bit by mosquitos! I have been known to run around squealing when there is a bee around or, god forbid a spider!!! eeek..  Well, just as I am writing this, my husband text me back, and I quote "taste a leaf and if it tastes bitter, then don't eat it.". Hmmm I vote for not tasting it. He comes back in a few days, and he can taste the leaves! Sounds good to me. I shall keep you posted as to what on earth it is. I should really get the hang of submitting photos on here and maybe those that read this can tell me all kinds of info involving various kinds of plants I have around here.  Have a good weekend!!

Thursday, June 28, 2012


So, are you impressed? I found some cool design things to use as a background. AND I did that without any teenagers within30 meters of me!! Some day I will add photos as well.

men/women..we sure are different!

I know, I know, we all know there (3 "knows" already and I have just begun...) are huge differences between men and women. Yesterday, I got to experience one first hand. That didn't come out right. That made it sound like I have never seen a man before, or talked with one before, OK. let's start over. Yesterday, I asked my teenage son to phone his dad to take steaks out of the freezer. I, myself, had a brain freeze and totally forgot to take them out. Since, we were driving I got him to call. Have to make an impression on the new driver after all and not use cell phone while driving. SO, he phones home and asks his dad to take the steak out of the freezer. Simple, yet, that required lots of questions from the other end. He first asked if they were in the top freezer or the one in the basement. Basement, says I.  What kind of packaging are they in. Oh good god..they are steak man, figure out it for yourself (said my inside voice). I told him exactly what basket they were in and what the packaging would look like. Then I remembered something and said " Oh, let your dad know, our youngest won't be home for dinner". Now, here comes the difference between the sexes bit." "dad, Adrian won't be home for dinner". I then say " because he is going to an after school party and won't be home probably until late. You see his friends are celebrating that it is the last day of school, so why not party". While I am saying this, my son says "ok, bye" and hangs up the phone. I then said "Ah you didn't tell him what I was saying! He doesn't know why Adrian won't be home for dinner. I was mid sentence and you hung up."! To which my son said "I told him he won't be home for dinner, he said fine and that was it."  I almost felt like I should phone my husband back and explain things, give him reasons as to why things were the way they were. Didn't he want to know why he wouldn't be home for dinner? Is that just me? Is that the nosy part of my personality that would want to know all the details about what was going on with him?  Not to worry, my friends, I did finally get to explain why he wasn't home for dinner, because during dinner he said "where is he? When will he be home? Who is going to get him?"  So I got to use all of my words and then some!  This using less words then women thing has been around for ever. Here I thought, I might be able to change a bit of that by training my sons to talk more. Express themselves more. When I ask "how was your day?", I would like a detailed account of actually how their day went. Not the usual "fine" answer. I feel I will be beating my head against the wall. I have a motive for doing this. Not the beating my head against the wall, but for the chatting. My daughter leaves for university in the fall and I will be in a house of nothing but men! Hey, now might be the time to teach my dog to talk. She seems to listen to every word I say. I have informed my men, that they will need to improve on their communications skills when she leaves. I am thinking that just isn't going to happen. And so, I present my blog! This shall receive most of my ramblings in the future. I just need to make it prettier. There must be a way to make it nice to look at other then some typing. I will work on that the next time I visit. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hello, first blog ever.  For me that is, not to sound like I have suddenly invented the whole blog thing that is. Don't want to come across as some know it all! This whole blog theme is going to be random stuff about my life. Quirky things that may have happened recently or years ago and I have thought about recently. Everything that has happened, does actually happen to me. For example, when I was getting my hair done, the hairdryer got caught in my hair!  I don't have hair that goes down past my knees either. She was blowing away, chatting as they do, and suddenly she went to pull away and my hair followed. My friend laughed her head off but I sat there with a hair dryer in my hair. What did the lovely hairdresser say?  "hmmm that has never happened to me before". Imagine that! Care to get the hairdryer out of my hair? She did, but not without taking some of my hair with her.  Getting the picture of what my blog is about? Good! 
  Hmmm I think I should have studied the "how to blog" section more closely. Now I am wondering if I have to put in the date this was written  or will it put it in automatically. For now, I will write in the date and if by chance, it shows it up at the top, then so be it. This is a learning experience right?! Today is..hang on I have to look that one up...June 27!  (2012) Last day of school for the kids!