Friday, April 12, 2013


 Here is my dog, Emma!  She is a silver labrador!  Not sure why her left eye (her left, not ours) is so wonky..probably she is squinting in the sunshine.  She is 8 years old and spoiled rotten..nothing wrong with that!  When we got her, she was 10 months old and scared of anything or everything that moved. Poor girl.  We had to train her to walk on a leash, play and even go do her outside business.  Many cold winter days, we stood at the doorway saying, over and over.."go pee!" in fact, we can still be heard saying that. But, she has come a long way.  She loves going for rides in the van, loves walks and mostly, loves playing tug of war with a tennis ball.
Just thought I would share her with you. Now that I have figured out how to put photos on this blog, I just might add some more.

1 comment:

  1. I kept looking and looking and now you have two new posts :)
    Keep it up - looking good, girl!!!

    Isn't it nice to know you've made such a positive difference to your dog's life?! Great that she now loves the van... LOL
