Saturday, June 30, 2012

gardening for dummies

You know what is sad?  I will tell you. I just went out to the garden to fetch some salad. That isn't the sad part believe me. The oh so pathetic bit is me standing there looking at a row of plants wondering if it is actually for us to eat! Why aren't there labels at the end of each row. I know what the typical salad leaves look like and I know he planted some funky purple/red coloured ones, but man, this one that is growing rather tall, has be stumped.  I did what anyone that is lacking the garden gene, would do. I picked some leaves and smelled them! Hmmm doesn't smell like lettuce. Honestly, why wasn't I really paying attention when he brought me out to the garden a few weeks ago, to impress me with what he planted! Serves me right. Ok, so I did the next best thing..ask the kids. They might have been listening to him. My daughter said she didn't know. My son said "looks like weed". NOT THE SMOKING KIND!!  Well, I already know what that kind looks like. From picture books, of course that other people had. Phew.. Moving back to my garden.  I decided to pick some anyway and wave the white flag and text my husband to ask what it is. I have kept it away from the other salad just incase it is a week of some sort.
  I admire people that love gardening. They say it is so relaxing to weed  I would love to be in that mind set and even had a friend send me a book "gardening for dummies"..side note..I wonder if that book might have a photo of my tall "salad". Hmm, might have to go look for it sometime. Anyway, (sorry I tend to get side tracked with my thoughts, but I do manage to come back around.)  Personally, I just can't get into it. I get bit by mosquitos! I have been known to run around squealing when there is a bee around or, god forbid a spider!!! eeek..  Well, just as I am writing this, my husband text me back, and I quote "taste a leaf and if it tastes bitter, then don't eat it.". Hmmm I vote for not tasting it. He comes back in a few days, and he can taste the leaves! Sounds good to me. I shall keep you posted as to what on earth it is. I should really get the hang of submitting photos on here and maybe those that read this can tell me all kinds of info involving various kinds of plants I have around here.  Have a good weekend!!

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