Monday, December 10, 2012

No topic..just rambling as I do from time to time...

I have my tree up rather early this year. It could be because last year we were in the thick of things with renovating our kitchen.  I had a double mattress behind my couch  and a large tv in front of the window. Oh wait, that sounds like I have a bed usually in my kitchen. That takes breakfast in bed to a whole new meaning.  While we were doing our kitchen, why not knock a few walls down and work on a bedroom as well. THAT is how all this furniture got into my livingroom.  Anyway, there was barely enough room for anyone to walk around. Now, for me this was horrible, cause I love decorating with my Christmas things.  I decided to make the most of it by hanging stockings on the large TV and putting a quilt up to cover the mattress. Worked great until my husband decided to move the TV to the bedroom we were making. Oh, but  where will my stocking hang?  They made it to the mattress. The Quilt was used to cover a table that didn't belong.  In other words, my livingroom looks like a tornado went through it. It was not the "homes and garden" type decorated room. I made the best of it. BUT this year, nothing is out of place. OK, I do have some stuff that doesn't belong here, but that is pure laziness on my part. With the giddiness I get this time of year, I decorated like a mad women!!  Tree is up, everything has a proper home and no mattress needs hiding! Yipee!!  Tomorrow my daughter comes home from University!  So looking forward to carrying on with traditions  like baking our favourite Danish Pastries.  I have done some baking and have tortured the boys by putting half of it in the freezer.  My mother used to do this and I always told her I wanted to be a freezer when I grew up so I could get all the baked goodies.
    I have one decoration outside. We do not put up lights or buy big blow-up Santas to put on our front lawn. We live in the prairies and there is always a wind blowing. I have a small flag that goes on a metal pole in the garden. It is small and I have been lucky it hasn't been taken off it's pole and blown across the prairies!      I am even ready to wrap gifts and put them under the tree. I think I might hold that off for a bit. I don't want the dog to get bored and start eating the paper, as she does!


  1. I can just imagine - lovely!!
    Have fun with everyone home ;)

  2. Snow outside, cosy home, Christmas decorations AND tree - sounds perfect ... habe a great family Christmas!
