Friday, November 30, 2012

Visions of........running around my mind

Here I sit on my couch, feet up looking out the window at the snow lightly falling.  I am also lucky enough to have a view of the mountains, OK not right this moment..cause, its snowing. BUT when I can see them, they are beautiful. I have various "winter" decoration put up around the house. I don't call them Christmas decorations, because those won't be put up until officially December. That's my rule. I have gone shopping for gifts, hidden somewhere (just in case one or all of the kids read this).  I am well into the spirit of things, complete with music playing in the background. What thoughts are running around in my mind now? Bet you can't guess!  No, it isn't thoughts of sugar plums or anything like that. Sigh, what is going around in my mind that I desperately want to do is.....Go to Zurich and attend the Robbie Williams concert!!  I am such a fan! One summer, while in Scotland, I found out he was doing a concert in Glasgow..3 days after we left! Argg. 3 days!!!  I wanted to change my flight. Could I write to him and ask if he would mind doing it 3 days earlier then scheduled? That wouldn't be too pushy.  So, I now see he is doing a concert in Europe. I figure since I know people in Switzerland, why not kill two birds with one stone. Go visit my friends, and take part in his concert. I have even gone ahead and "clicked" the attend button on his facebook page. Like pressing that will result in tickets to Switzerland and his concert.  I do torment myself sometimes with stuff like that.  My other argument is he will never do a North American concert. They just don't really know who he is here. I mean his new CD came out and right off the bat is cost $12.-! A great deal for me, but not so much for his ego??  So, Robbie, if you happen to read this, how would you like a pure, crazy (not jail kind of crazy lol), will sing along to every song Canadian fan at your concert??
  In the meantime, I shall continue to listen to his music while sitting on the couch watch the snow fall.  Life is good!!


  1. LOL I can try getting you tickets to the concert but you have to get yourself over to CH for it... ;o!!! xxx

  2. ...except, my friend, they're already sold out...

