Saturday, January 12, 2013

The non

Well we are already half way through January and I decided that I would NOT be one of those people that make the usual resoultions come Jan 1st.  Cause (as my mother would say) as sure as god made little green apples, I would be binging by the 3rd.  Diets just don't work for me. The second I put the word diet into my head, I am already starving and just dying for a piece of warmed up brownie with oozing icing...yum. Instead, I decided to get off the couch, which is so comfy, and join Curves gym. The Curves I belong to is on the second floor, so I had to walk up loads of steps just to get there. Truth be told, the elevator is rather old and looks very complicated to work. Maybe they just put that sign with all those instructions there, just so the curves members would use the stairs. worked. I got up to the top of the stairs and pretended I wasn't out of breath by stopping to look at my phone. I had a tiny hallway to walk down and tried to catch my breath. Ugh!!  Was I ever someone that needed to join this gym!  I entered the gym and the fun began. I have been ther since the beginning of November and have gone 5 days a week. Mind you, it was closed for a week during Christmas. I get measured and weighed once a month.
     My first month was hard. There were times when I really didn't want to go. I came up with all kinds of excuses as to why I just had to stay at home. But the more I talked myself out of going..the more my other half of the brain was kicking my ass out the door.  I am at the point where now I feel terrible if I miss a workout. Anyway, I dreaded my first weigh in and measuring. I stepped on the scale and lost...2lbs. Oh good grief! (my inside voice said a lot worse..). BUT I had lost 4 inches in total. Under this roll, there is a six pack waiting to come out!  A friend of mine goes to another Curves and has lost 10lbs. But, as she said, she has been starving herself. It is so hard to not focus on the weight numbers. It was weighing and measuring time last week. Gulp, this was after the Christmas holidays and let me tell you, I did not hold back on eating baking.  I lost 1lb, but another 4 inches. Yes!!!  I was told not to focus on the numbers...cause she could read my mind yet again. She said my body is kind of in shock that I am not starving myself and from all the years of yo-yo dieting, it isn't sure what to do with me right now.  I was told, the weight will fall off soon.
     I am proud to say I have donated all my size 18 pants and have even recently bought a size 14 jeans. I still deal with the muffin top, but I now it is going down. Truth be told, I am a size 16, for now. My aim is maybe a size 12. I would be happy with that for sure. I won't even be a stick insect, but I can deal with that , no problem.
    I am into my 3rd month of goint to curves and they are offering a new diet program that says I could shed 20lbs in 3 months. Wow!  I will sign up for that, just not right now cause, let's face it, who wants to be on a diet while on a holiday! I am off for a trip with my husband and I will watch what I eat, but I won't diet.


  1. Exercise is really the key, not food - I know that when i exercise, I not only lose inches but am so much better toned. However --- in my present circumstances, exercise consists of going up and down the stairs and walking to the shop ... to buy food!
